Sunday, April 19, 2020

72 Years Old/Young Whatever...

I am just stepping into my seventh decade of life and I believe that the BIBLE says that we have been given 8 of them for some reason instead of 15-20 like was the case in The Old Testament.  For some reason (unknown to me or anyone for that matter), I was given an atypical (not representative of a type, group, or class) personality that can be found in the INTJ type personality according to Myers-Briggs.  I have been tested 4 times during my lifetime in 10 year intervals and the results are always the same.

This personality type embedded inside my mind coupled with the very structured, military like upraising by my parents and the encounters with classmates, teachers, and friends during my elementary school years, left me with a re-engineered personality and behavior pattern that caused me to live out my life differently than those around me.

Experts will tell you as they have told me that I had CHOICES and made those CHOICES regardless of the influence(s) around me and that I could have changed those CHOICES anytime I wanted to...  and, even if they are/were right, I did not fight the instincts that guided me.  And, therein lies my problem.

I have been fired 10 times by my employers
My brother and sister are intentionally ignoring me
My second wife wishes she had left me years ago
I only had 2 friends, one died, and I destroyed the other one

One could easily say that I am SELF-DESTRUCTIVE...

And the million dollar question is WHY?

Why am I like this?

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