Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fifty Years Younger

If this were to be the case, then I would be 22, the year would be 1969 and I would be leaving College and entering the military, specifically the US Navy and more importantly the US Navy Reserves where my contract was referred to as a 2 by 4...  meaning, 2 years active duty, 4 years in the reserves...  and actually, I only spent 21 months on active duty because I was awarded a 3 month early out to return to College...  looking back, active duty was a piece-of-cake and not because I only spent 21 months on active duty but because I was in the reserves for a year before I went on active duty so instead of boarding the ship as an E-1, I boarded the ship as an E-4 and was considered RATED....  this meant a couple of things, I was a Petty Officer, I could not be assigned grunt work if I was to get EMI which I did several times, and I did not have to spend any time working in the galley like all the other newbies did...

EMI - was Extra Military Instruction - this was assigned not just if you screwed up but if you broke or bent the rules...  For example, I was in communications so when we were in port, we had to go on message runs several times a day to pick up our messages.  One time, after picking up the messages we decided to go drink our lunch and did not get back to the ship until quitting time...  We were both awarded EMI...  but since we were both rated, our EMI had to be done in our field so we were told to burn old de-classified messages...  We decided to have some fun so we found some coat hangers and stole some hotdogs out of the galley and roasted them while burning...  The Communications Officer just shook his head but said and did nothing.

But, back to the point...
If I were fifty years younger, this is what I would be doing...

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