Sunday, May 16, 2021

Who's Pulling the President's Strings?

Most of the Democrats whether they are liberal or progressive or not are going to support the Democratic Party regardless of what happens to this country because they do not want to admit that they might be or actually are wrong.  

The mainstream media echoes that sentiment.

AND...  that represents 50% of the current population regardless of the fact that President Biden claims a majority of people support this or that...

Why do I think this?

Because, 50% of the current population voted for Trump in 2020 and I doubt if they would have changed their minds this quickly.

However, I believe that Biden is simple a Presidential PUPPET and that the VP Kamala Harris is pulling his strings...  BUT...  she is not really in charge either because someone is pulling her strings...

And...  that group is a combination of political leaders both current and past as well as some millionaires and billionaires like Bezos and Gates who would undoubtedly feel more comfortable is there was a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that they could control behind the scenes.

I also believe that the media unknowingly is supporting this movement.   AND THAT, black lives matter, the cancel culture, critical race theory, and the WOKE Mob is simply a way that these POWER BROKERS keep the citizens of the US divided and at each other throats rather than united working towards a common future.

It is also very interesting that now that a SPACE FORCE has been created that our government is admitting to the fact that UFO's have been around for decades.

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