Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stupidity Does Not Run In The Family

It would be extremely safe to say that my elevator does not stop at al the floor and/or that my toolbox is missing several critical tools.  In short, I am an idiot's idiot...

AND...  why do I think that?

Simply put:  it happens to be true.

Now...  while I can pour piss out of a boot with directions written on the heel, I possess little if any common sense...  which seems to be a little more critical than simply pouring piss around.

Ironically, I was taught how to build and repair computers back in the late 1990's early 2000's and did quite well at that technical assignment as I recall for at least 12 months...  but, here recently, I cannot seem to find the common sense handle.

One could say that it is twenty years later asshole, of course you have misplaced a little common sense...  but, I fear it is not that simple.

We were recently returning from an outing in Virginia and after we stopped for gas, I turned on the lights but the dashboard lights would not come on.

After screwing around trying to figure what the shit had happened since the damn things were working perfectly before we stopped, I concluded that there was an ELECTRICAL problem and since we had only 30 minutes remaining, that I would simply drive without dashboard lights.

The following day we made an appointment with Toyota in Knoxville instead of Toyota in Morristown just to make sure the technical work was done the correct way...  assuming that Knoxville's technicians were better trained than Morristown's.

I drove down to my appointment which is on the other side of Knoxville about 45 miles one way.  My Car Care Provider came to my car and I lowered the window and explained the problem.  He thought for a second or two, maybe less, and asked if he could get in.

I stood outside the car beside him with the door open and in less than 15 seconds found the dial that corrected the lights for the dashboard whether the driver wanted them bright or not so bright...  he turned the dial and the FRIGGING DASHBOARD LIGHTS CAME ON...


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