Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Morning

Is Sunday the beginning of the week or the end of the week?

Does it really matter?

In other words:  WHO CARES?

As far as I am concerned, I see Sunday as the end of the week and Monday as the beginning of the week...  I guess I see it this way because, I typically work M-F and have Sat/Sun off which kinda sums up the previous few days.

Friday, then becomes the night to party with Saturday being the day to sleep in and then work around the house or on a pet project.  Sunday, our religious day, is set aside for those who want to attend Church and get prepared for the week ahead.  Typically, no house/yard work is done on Sundays unless rainy days force one to mow the lawn on Sunday.

Being retired...

  • there is no work M-F
  • there is no sleeping in or project work on Saturday
  • there is no religious day on Sunday
Being retired, every day is a Saturday or Sunday and sometimes these days get so blurred that I loose track of what day of the week, it actually is...

I do house work when I want to
I sleep when I want to
I eat when I want to
I do yard work when I want to...  with the understanding that this is always subject to what the wife thinks I should be doing to keep our yard looking nice.  Typically, she says the yard needs mowing and I mow.

MOST DAYS...  Sundays are typically those days where we go out (or take out) for BRUNCH and spend the rest of the day just lazying around.

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