Saturday, August 22, 2020

I'm A Conservative LIBERAL

Typically we associate Liberal as being a Democrat but since the current Democratic Party is no longer liberal as it moves towards Socialism, what remains is my liberal attitudes and beliefs.

For example, I am pro abortion because I believe that a woman has a right to choose however I would never endorse abortion as a possible solution, even if rape and/or incest is involved.

I believe in a small federal government and I don't believe that our federal government has the right to tell us (Americans or US Citizens) what to do with their minds, thoughts, and/or actions unless those actions endanger the rights of another citizen.

I think the HOUSE and SENATE should have term limits and that we should eliminate the term CAREER POLITICIAN because of the risk that they will start caring more about their re-election than doing what is right for the American people.

I believe in and wholeheartedly support PROTESTS, DEMONSTRATION, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE because it allows us to flourish as a Democracy and a Democratic Republic in the way that it was intended by the Founding Fathers.

I believe in LAW AND ORDER even though law enforcement and our judicial system have been abused by power and wealth and will continue to be abused by power and wealth but it is a necessary EVIL because of the PERVERSE NATURE of Americans and how we were raised.

I think we should have a STRONG MILITARY but that we should not leave our borders to fight in other people's wars but that we should help our ALLIES fight their own wars...  If other countries take over weaker countries, they might have acquired more land and resources but they will never have the MILITARY MIGHT of the USA...  and, that fact is what we should always protect.

I think our education system especially in high school should be modified to focus on two tracks not just one track or the track towards higher education.  We should have a technical/occupational track as well as an educational track.

I believe that EVERYONE should have to give our federal government two years of their life to serve in the military in some capacity and hopefully will help them understand the importance of protecting our Democratic Republic.

I believe in helping people with with guaranteed jobs and guaranteed healthcare but ONLY IF we can afford with the understanding that we DO NOT TAX the wealthy, forcing them to pay for this guarantee.  We should always take care of the poor, the sick, the aged, and our veterans and find creative ways to find or locate the needed money.

I don't believe in personal or governmental debt.  We should learn and/or be taught how to save the money for what we want and not use credit cards unless that borrowed money can be paid off at the end of the month.

I think there should be a national legalization of marijuana and that we spend a little more time trying to figure out why Americans buy more illegal drugs than any other country in the world.

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