Tuesday, August 11, 2020

NEED to Speak Out...


What do you think is the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT?

One of the main purposes of government as far as I am concerned is providing protection to the citizens from outside sources (the rest of the world) and from each other which is the reason why we have police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

The purpose of our government IS NOT TO PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT...

Whatever the purpose of our SECOND AMENDMENT, we need to be very thankful that our FOUNDING FATHERS put that amendment in our Bill of Rights because as police departments are defunded across the country, and as more and more law enforcement personnel take an early retirement leaving the bottom of the barrel officers on duty to try and protect us, it has become incredibly obvious to me that AMERICANS MUST LEARN TO PROTECT THEMSELVES...

And, we can protect ourselves via the SECOND AMENDMENT of the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution...  "the right to bear arms..."

I encourage all of you to LEGALLY BUY WEAPONS and make sure you get yourself plenty of ammunition for each of those weapons.  If you don't know how to use a firearm, take a class and by all means GO TO A FIRING RANGE so that you can learn to shoot STRAIGHT AND ACCURATE.

Stay out of these cities that have defunded their police departments...

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