Friday, June 11, 2021

The BLM Movement Will Fade Into Black

We, as veterans, have a different approach to freedom and the importance of the American Flag.  The American Flag, like the Confederate Flag during the Civil War, was a symbol of the Confederate States and what they believed in...  and, to fly that Confederate Flag when there are no more Confederate States, is just as misleading as it is for Americans to fly a BLM flag instead of an American Flag, unless those who want to fly the BLM flag have a desire, like to Confederacy, to create their own country...  which I doubt the rest of the United States would allow them to do, especially since the rest of the United States is bending over backwards to make sure that those who are supporting BLM, are sufficiently PATRONIZED and PACIFIED.

And just like all other movements that have taken place within the continental borders of the contiguous States, BLM will fade and dissipate into the atmosphere of our previous existence.  That is to say, whatever happens right now, this moment, will only last this moment until this moment passes and it is in our past.  For instance, the wrongful and illegal death of George Floyd is now and forever more relegated to our past...  and, will remain in our past, no matter how often we try to remember it.

The events of 9/11 are now being treated the same way...  they are in our past and like everything else in our past, it is gone...  passed away...  only memories slowly fading remain.

  • Vietnam is in our past
  • The assassinations of JFK and MLK, Jr are in our past
  • The Stock Market crash of 2008 is in our past
  • Richard Nixon's resignation is in our past
  • The killing of Osama bin Laden is in our past
  • COVID 19 will soon be in our past
Just like all other movements, the BLM movement will continually as long as it is politically convenient for it to continue and when that stops, the movement will fade...  and, in 20 years, we will again look back into our past and retrieve the memory and the reminder that nothing really changed.

12% of the population cannot change 60% of the population for very long...  there are simply not enough votes and not enough political capital for anything like BLM to be sustainable.

REMEMBER, all the tax payer dollars that we pump into CLIMATE CHANGE will do absolutely no good at all as long as CHINA, INDIA, AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA, the MIDDLE EAST, ASIA, and RUSSIA join in with us...  and, the last time I looked, none of those countries were planning to participate...

CLIMATE CONTROL and BLM will perish on the political vine of apathy and our inability to get the rest of the world to follow us...

WHO IS REALLY GOING TO FOLLOW BLM?  Especially after we defund the police (because of George Floyd) and realize what a frigging stupid MISTAKE that was...  especially for the blacks and other minorities because no matter how much we raise the minimum wage and force employers to pay more, these poor minority souls will not be able to relocate outside of where they are...

AND... how is the BLM movement going to stop the progress and technology and the marriage of artificial intelligence with robots?  Robots WILL REPLACE black and while workers alike and robots will be ubiquitous by the year 2030...  which is less than 9 years away...  only 2.5 Presidential terms away...

Can BLM matter hold on for 9 more years???

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