Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sunday Secrecy

It is no secret...  to me, or to others with like minds, that Sundays possess no secrets unless it is with one's faith, religious beliefs, or philosophical inclinations... as all three of those are inextricably intertwined...  however, some, especially those who are atheists, would see absolutely no connection(s) at all, and in a way, this close mindedness is sad...  that is to say, that so much of what is going on in the world today can be explained through those three connected variables.

And, just as important is that fact that atheists who claim no belief at all are a little better than morons because to have no beliefs is in fact a faith in and of itself.

Others, who may not believe in a Creator, do believe in their own beginning and in their own end which according to lack of belief means that death is so final that nothing else could possibly happen to you...  this notion is about as stupid as the belief that there is not other life forms or species in the universe...  of which is currently billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of light years wide and the fact that our universe is still expanding simply means that those probabilities will increase.

Moronic behavior and stupidity go hand in hand when it comes to some of the beliefs of our so called atheists...  and besides, the mathematical probability that a creator exists is greater than the probability that a creator does not exist.

Mathematics rules our world as well as our universe.  And, we have not even considered multiple dimensions and a multiverse because of the unproven theory of strings.  

So answer me this genius, who decided on MY BIRTH...  to MY PARENTS...  in MY LOCATION...  and, with my SKIN COLOR???

Was that coincidence?

Or, evolution?

And, if it is coincidence, what is the probability that someone was not involved in manipulating that probability?

Ain't Sunday Secrets grand?

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