Sunday, June 6, 2021

East TN Facemasks

Back in March of this same year, I received my second COVID vaccination and the Department of Health nurse told me that after 2 more weeks that I no longer had to wear my facemask unless I wanted to or unless it was still required like in a hospital...

"Why." I asked her?

Here response was, "because the facemask does not PROTECT YOU, it only protects the other person...  and since you are vaccinated, the other person is no longer in danger from you...  and, you are no longer in danger from someone else because of the vaccination you've received."

I continued to wear my facemask everywhere for another month or so but then most of the place I went into, most of the employees were no longer wearing their facemasks, so I eventually decided that neither should I.  And, for about a month, I have no longer worn a facemask unless required.

I can no longer understand why other States continue to mandate the facemask, social distancing, and even some establishments being closed are doing so for ulterior motives...  what those motives are remain unclear other than it allows these governments to pay potential workers to remain home.

Personally, I don't really give a shit about these other States or what their mandates are or are not, because I live in and have been living in a State for the last 30 years that is governed by individuals who have no desire to keep their heads up their asses or even attempt to put them there.

Are we more enlightened?

Not really...  but we are more in possession of our COMMON SENSE... and the longer that common sense is prevented from taking place,  the longer it will take the states to return to financial prosperity ON THEIR OWN and without government HANDOUTS.

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