Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Race or Class War?

“The Communist Manifesto” begins with the phrase, “The history of all hitherto
existing society is the history of class struggles.” According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the proletariat (workers) would inevitably overthrow the bourgeois (capitalists) in a colossal battle for the control of the means of production.
...over the past few months, America seems to be inching dangerously close to the class struggle that Marx and Engels anticipated all those years ago. And although the mainstream liberal media is trying their best to portray the unrest in America as a struggle for racial equality — it is not.  

In fact, the bedlam that has engulfed far too many American cities (and some sleepy suburbs) since the death of George Floyd is more predicated on socialist dogma than racial justice. All one has to do is listen to the “protestors” or read the agendas of antifa and Black Lives Matter.  
SOURCE:  The Hill, August 2020

When people loot, riot, and burn...   it is not about RACIAL INJUSTICE...  it is about not having what others have in the way of food, clothes, and shelter.  If it was about Racial Injustice, why would there be the need to loot...  rioting and burning is justification enough one would think who is somewhat intelligent unless they are trying to convince someone that something is when it is not.

Wealthy Blacks are not out on the streets vandalizing, burning, and stealing and yet if you were to ask any of them, including former President Barrack Obama, he and the rest of them would tell you that at some point-in-time in their lives they have been RACIALLY PROFILED...  it is just something that all blacks these days have in common.

Rioting, Looting, and Burning is not the mentality of ILLEGAL DRUG DEALERS of the inner cities either because that type of behavior eats into their profit margins and their ability to sell their drugs...  and, they usually kill the perpetrator if someone is caught stealing.

What is happening in our city streets and the Democrats as well as the mainstream media MISSED THIS ONE because they were so busy blaming everything on Trump in an effort to lose the 2020 Election...  is nothing more that the beginning of a battle in this country between the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS.

It is also the reason why we have so much individual and family debt in this country because the HAVE NOTS art trying as best as they can to be like the HAVES...  when in actuality they will NEVER be like them no matter how hard they try and it is not because there is not enough money to go around because our money supply is fine...  it is that 80% of Americans simply do not have what it takes to be wealthy or else they would have been there already.

This type of PERSONALITY INEQUALITY will always, unfortunately, be around no matter what the government tries to do to change that mentality.

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