Tuesday, December 1, 2020

COVID: The China Virus and BLM

Being a senior citizen and in my 70's living off of Social Security and what little savings I have had an opportunity to amass, I am literally FIGHTENED by this Pandemic, more than being around a ton of blacks in a shopping mall or walking around the streets of Atlanta after dark...   it is frightening when a white man has found himself too old to protect he and his family against racial brutality against the whites because some whites have brutalized and/or killed blacks...

It is a frightening time in America and no politician will be able to silence the HATRED that lies in the HEARTS OF MAN...

And, this makes COVID even more of a nightmare...  at least for someone like me.

Because I have two cancers and have been undergoing cancer treatment since 2008, I find myself being particularly vulnerable not just to angry blacks but to any disease that might be floating around even the flu.

I stay at home as much as I can, only leaving the house for doctor's appointments and cancer treatments but nothing really else except back in the summer we visited malls and restaurants wearing face masks even though a majority of the people in Knoxville did not.

I remember quite vividly going into a mall and being followed (or so it seemed to me) by blacks in their early 20's wearing baggy shirts, baseball caps turned around backwards, and pants tied below their butts, shuffling when they walked...  and, they always seemed to be staring directly at us as if they resented us being in their mall or something...

In restaurants, I remember a black couple saying that they did not want to sit next to us even though there was a table vacant in between due to COVID requirements.  Their eyes were hateful and full of contempt in the way they looked at us...  that is to say my wife and I.

Since the COVID VIRUS is on the increase, I have been reluctant to venture outside at all unless I absolutely have to...  I don't even go to the gym anymore to exercise for my heart condition.

It seems like BLM and COVID have intermingled...  joined together like a marriage or something.

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