Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Our Place In Society

Our parents, our teachers, or coaches, our ministers, priests or pastors, and our leaders can TELL US ALL DAY LONG that AMERICA is the land of opportunity and that everything is possible even though it is highly unlikely that you will reach your initial goals, especially if the bar is set very high.

For instance...
  1. becoming President of the USA is entirely possible for anyone, but how many do actually believe will ever get there?
  2. becoming a professional athlete is another goal that is entire possible but less than ONE TENTH of ONE PERCENT ever make it to the pros.
  3. becoming a professional entertainer and being called a celebrity is always another lofty goal but there are literally thousands of potential entertainers working in restaurants waiting for their big break.

Not all college graduates will become CEO's or even Vice Presidents let alone part of a senior management team, and yet these are the dreams that everyone keeps beating into our heads...   WHY?

Are they intentionally trying to give us FALSE HOPE?

Or, is this some kind of mental punishment for not having inherent skills and abilities?

AND...  how many doctors do you think that graduate from MED SCHOOL will actually EXCEL in their respective fields of medicine and how many will simply become ordinary?

Once you are in your 40's, you pretty much know what your future is going to be and if you are on a path to success or not...  although success for many of us is a relative term and is not always associated with money, power, or control.

Actually, one should know where one is really going during the first decade out of college although, it could take 20 years or more for a high school graduate to become a restaurant manager.

AND...  for those fortunate enough to be born into wealth, their lifetime role in many cases especially if they inherited a business or a farm is making sure they don't loose it which can be all sorts of embarrassing.  Not everyone is a smart as their parents unfortunately.

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