Friday, December 11, 2020

Black Market USA

Landfills, “Star Wars,” abstinence and breakfast cereal — just a few of the numbers the website Statistic Brain tracks.

There’s also a tally on the value of black markets. Overall, Statistic Brain says there is about $625 billion of illicit trade in the U.S. every year, and 1.8 billion jobs are created by the black market globally.

Product counterfeiting tops out as one of the most lucrative categories, at a U.S. market value of $225 billion.

Average U.S. Street Value for Illicit Items:
  • AK-47 -- $400
  • Cocaine -- $174.2 per gram
  • Ecstasy -- $35 per tablet
  • Heroin -- $200 per gram
  • Marijuana -- $20 – $1,800 per ounce
  • Meth -- $3 – $500 per gram
The "unreported economy" consists of those economic activities that circumvent or evade the institutionally established fiscal rules as codified in the tax code. A summary measure of the unreported economy is the amount of income that should be reported to the tax authority but is not so reported. A complementary measure of the unreported economy is the "tax gap", namely the difference between the amount of tax revenues due the fiscal authority and the amount of tax revenue actually collected. In the U.S. unreported income is estimated to be $2 trillion resulting in a "tax gap" of $450–$600 billion.

COMMENT:  It seems that our beloved country, the USA, is involved in a lot of nasty shit internally...  and, what is most surprising is the fact that MANY AMERICANS are the ones that are buying these items on the BLACK MARKET...  

Why is that do you think?
Why are they spending so much money?
Where did they get this money?
How many Americans are criminals?

It does not bother me at all that our national government is losing all this tax revenues nor does it bother me at all that this Black Market exists because I used it a time or two when in high school, but what bothers me is why all these Americans think that they need to take illegal drugs to make themselves feel better...  when illegal drugs has never been the answer or the cure for what one is feeling or what one is missing on the inside...

And...  all the pain and suffering that drug addicts experience when using when one finally changes one's mental attitude and develops a new philosophy as to what is important in life and what is not...

And...  hopefully all we see that neither drugs nor money actually brings one happiness only a false senses of securities...  and waisted energy when trying to control not just other people but the whole of life around us...

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