Tuesday, September 29, 2020

THE Biden Trump Debate


What say you both?

Instead of turning my attention to the local liberal news media outlets like:  CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, or to the conservative leaning FOX NEWS, I have decided to look out across the POND and see what the BRITS have to say about OUR DEBATE candidates in the hopes of actually acquiring UNBIASED news...   so,


So what should we expect on Tuesday night in Cleveland? A game-changer, or confirmation of what we already know?

Arguably, Joe Biden's task has been made a bit easier by the Trump campaign setting the bar so low for him. They've said the former vice-president is not all there, he's a bit senile, no longer able to form sentences: the lights are on, but no one's at home.

It's certainly true that Biden at times does sound way off the pace and a little incoherent. He also, as a child, had a stammer which affects the way he speaks. But Donald Trump's sentences can also get lost in bewildering sub-clauses and strangled syntax. The Trump campaign's demand that Biden should undergo a blood test to ensure he isn't taking performance-enhancing drugs, has, you won't be surprised to learn, been given short shrift by team Joe.

There will be an element of the debate that the French would call "un dialogue de sourds" - a conversation of the deaf. In other words, they will not be listening to each other.

So Donald Trump will want to focus on his economic achievements before the pandemic struck, he will want to attack the Biden family, and in particular his son, Hunter and how he ended up on the board of a Ukrainian energy company when Joe Biden was vice-president (we know from previous debate performances that Donald Trump will go in all guns blazing).

But...  will this debate change anyone's mind as to who they will be voting for on November 3, 2020?  It will not change the minds of Democrats
It will not change the minds of Republicans

it could change the minds of independents who wait until the day of the election to decide...

the 2020 election will be based upon a few key points:
1.  Is Trump or Biden FIT to be POTUS?
2.  Will how much Trump paid in taxes impact his Presidential qualifications?
3.  Did Trump mismanaged the handling of COVID-19?
4.  Do you want your Federal Taxes to be raised?
5.  Do you think Trump or Biden can rebuild the economy?
6.  Do you think Trump or Biden is better equipped to handle foreign affairs?
7. Do you want the police to be defunded?
8.  Do you want Open Borders?
9.  Do you want to pay for Medicare For All?
10.  Do you want to move towards Socialism?

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