Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Coldest Beer...

Driving back from Knoxville this afternoon, I passed a sign on a building that I must have passed a thousand times before and thought nothing of it, but today the message on the sign got me to thinking as I read COLDEST BEER IN USA...  Obviously, that sign is misleading to say the least as one has no way of proving if, in fact, that place does have the coldest beer in USA...  However, it is doubtful that they do and just because they keep the beer on ice, does not mean it is the coldest or if they are talking about the coldest before it freezes which is something that all beer sellers have the option of doing...  and, not doubt, try to keep it as cold as possible before freezing because really cold beer is the best way to drink beer...  unlike the room temperature beer the sell in Great Britain.

When I thought about this misleading advertising, I started thinking about all the other types of advertising that I remember seeing and that in almost every instance there was some form of misleading statement imbedded in ALL OF THESE ADVERTISING COMMERCIALS.

So, why do American Advertisers intentionally mislead the public?

If they don't mislead the public, there is not guarantees that the public will buy their product(s)...  and if, there are no guarantees, then there can be no projections of sales, no borrowing money based upon projected sales, and no bonuses paid to Executives who hired those people who made the misleading sales.

A prime example of this is/are TIMESHARE SALES...

I know a thing or two about Timeshare sales because I have been the VICTIM of those sales more than once...  in fact, I would venture to say that I have given Timeshare salespeople the benefit of the doubt on misleading information 5 times.

And, each time, I was again gullible enough to purchase a Timeshare, I soon discovered that I had actually BEEN LIED TO by both males and females both married and unmarried both with children and without children were these salespeople...  just trying to make a dollar to support their families or their individual lifestyles...  but, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONSUMER...

This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of CAPITALISM and our FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE SYSTEM and if we, as a country, were to move into SOCIALIM, the economic lock that business and industry has on our economy, lifestyles, and income, that movement would not stop people from misleading the general public to make a sale and generate income for themselves.

Our economy is ALL ABOUT MONEY...

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