Saturday, November 7, 2020

One World Government

A one-world government is a goal popular with liberals, globalists, and others ranging from the moderate "Right" to the Left and far-Left, in which all the nations on Earth will (supposedly willingly) abandon their sovereignty to the will of the United Nations or some other worldwide government. Liberals and globalists see this as a utopian goal, while opponents see it as a dystopia.

A one-world government is an ultimate goal of the Left. They believe in the concept that humanity is progressing for the better, and they want to create a utopia where humanity is unified and where there are no wars, conflicts, or borders (cultural and national). 

Supranational organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, World Trade Organization, and the Paris climate agreement, appear to be the forerunners to a complete one-world government. All these organizations are supported by liberals. A one-world government is the epitome of big government.

Many theologically conservative Christians believe that the Earth will be united under a one-world government, based on Scripture. In the popular Left Behind series, the Antichrist begins his plan by subsuming America into the One-World Government. 

This is based on the Book of Revelation. Theologically conservative/orthodox Christians believe that the ultimate reason for the push for globalism and one-world government is rebellion against God leading up to the Antichrist – rather than submit to God and recognize that only He can unite the world and bring world peace, liberal globalists seek to create utopia themselves and glorify humanity rather than God. 

Additionally, because Christianity, in the view of liberal globalists, is "exclusionary" – including, but not limited to, its claim that faith in Jesus is the only way to Heaven – they consider it antithetical to the universal values required to "govern the Earth." Some globalists wish to effectively create a unified world religion.

Some people believe that U.S. President George H. W. Bush's "New World Order" speech was a clue that the insiders were about to begin their plan to ultimately establish a one-world government.

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