Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Cosmic Knowledge

I am reminded of a book I read not too long ago, BLINK:  The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell.  The book is written and presented in a popular science format research from psychology and behavioral economics on the adaptive unconscious: mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from relatively little information....  he refers to this process as THIN SLICING... but, it also revolves around the concept of INTUITION.

"Intuition is the highest form of intelligence, transcending all individual abilities and skills."  –Sylvia Clare, Mindfulness Teacher

According to Deepak Chopra: Your intuition is subtle sense; it’s a form of second attention that transcends the conventional material level of reality and plugs you into the universal field of interrelatedness. The information and knowledge accessed through intuitive channels doesn’t kick down the door into your awareness; it whispers, gently nudges, and tugs your attention in a particular direction. So if you are like most people living a busy life, those intuitive cues might not make it to the surface of your attention before getting drowned out by all your other activity.

There are 7 basic methodologies to access one's intuition...  these are:  

1. Remember Your True Self
This is a fundamental point of departure for intuitive growth. As long as you believe yourself to be an isolated speck, a tiny flesh-encapsulated ego cut off from the rest of the world in a random and unintelligent universe, you will block the intuitive signals trying to get through. 

2. Have the Intention to Receive Intuitive Guidance
Your intuition isn’t likely to respond to a wishy-washy hope for guidance. Instead, form a clear intention and put it to paper where you can see it regularly and prior to going into meditation (see below). 

3. Still Your Mind
A turbulent mind will never be able to perceive intuitive guidance. Trying to pick up intuitive signals using a mind that is overwrought with thoughts is like listening to music on a static-filled radio station—you only get bits and pieces of the song. Meditation is possibly the most important of the seven steps to intuition because it cleans up the signal and prepares the mental space to receive the message. 

4. Ask a Question
From a still mind, formulate and release a question or issue that you seek insight into. For example, “Is this the right choice for me to make?” 

5. Reach Out with Your Awareness
Once you have released your question, project your awareness out into the world like an ever-expanding soap bubble. Imagine this bubble of awareness enveloping your home, city, state, country, the planet, the Milky Way galaxy, and beyond. Feel your awareness encompass the entire universe. Feel all that was, is, or will be within you as you silently repeat to yourself the sutra, Tat Tvam Asi—I am That.

6. Tune into Your Feelings and Your Body
Feel the world around you—imagine reaching out into the room or space you find yourself in, noticing sounds, sights, and sensations of all kinds. Then, try to feel the presence of others, their emotions, thoughts, or energy. 

7. Trust the Message
When you notice a sensation in your body, a twinge, a slight warmth in your stomach or chest, or the faintest level of feeling, tune into that. Does the sensation feel good, or does it feel slightly uncomfortable? 

The knowledge is out there and some of us BUT NOT ALL OF US have the power and the ability and the mental gifts to access it so that it can be shared with the rest of mankind and their humanity.

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