Monday, November 30, 2020

White Man's Justice

White Man's Justice is a term used in the United States of
America by Native Americans and by African Americans who also want to be referred to a Blacks and/or People of Color (which in my opinion is not a whole hell of a lot different than the term colored people used in the 1950's).  But, what I find most peculiar about this phrase is not how it is used but the fact that it is used at all to describe cultural differences in the United States of America when the FACT OF THE MATTER IS that we are all AMERICANS...  and, while it may seem to a minority group of people that JUSTICE in America belongs to the white man and not to EVERYONE as it should...   I AM A WHITE PERSON and I too feel that there is something wrong with our JUSTICE SYSTEM but not because it is based upon the fact that Caucasians represent the most populated of America's ethnic groups but because JUSTICE IN AMERICA CATERS TO THE WEALTHY...

Whenever I see WHITE MAN'S JUSTICE being used, I immediately think that these people are not just racists themselves but are perpetuating racists sentiments in the hopes of CREATING MORE RACISTS in this country to FIGHT the racists that we already have...  and, more importantly, movements like:
  • Black Lives Matter
  • White Supremacists
simply make the situation worse and the more that our government gives the Blacks now the more the WHITES in this country will RESENT our government for doing it and the BLACKS for receiving it...  exacerbating racism on both sides...  the result is that both sides lose and hatred among the races will continue until one day it explodes...



that when the blacks call for an end to racism that they are the ones that are heavily involved in perpetuating it...

  • Blacks perpetuate racism in their Rap Music Lyrics
  • Blacks perpetuate racism in their YouTube videos
  • Black perpetuate racism in their exclusive cultural centers
  • Blacks perpetuate racism with their BLM Movement
  • Blacks perpetuate racism by encouraging ANTIFA
  • Blacks perpetuate racism by tearing down Confederate Monuments
  • Blacks perpetuate racism when they talk of White Man's Justice
  • Blacks perpetuate racism when they speak of equal representation of the unqualified
  • Blacks perpetuate racism when they demand financial reparations

Blacks seem to blame whites for their current situation rather than taking responsibility for their own actions...  that is to say...  there are many people of color, African Americans, or Blacks that are currently and have been quite successful in the United States of America in spite of the WHITE MAN...

Why do you think that has happened to them and not to all these others who are bitching and complaining?

Why do you think that 80% of the WHITE MAN in America (males and females) are not successful and are considered Middle Class Americans or lower?
Did White Man's justice fail them too?

Why people are successful/unsuccessful in the US of A is not always contingent upon their COLOR but on their motivation, determination, responsibility, and desire...  which is not the exclusive domain of the WHITE MAN but depends upon ones personality.


RESIST the White Man's Justice


The Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the collective pseudonym "Publius" to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. The collection was commonly known as The Federalist until the name The Federalist Papers emerged in the 20th century.

The first 77 of these essays were published serially in the Independent Journal, the New York Packet, and The Daily Advertiser between October 1787 and April 1788.  A compilation of these 77 essays and eight others were published in two volumes as The Federalist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Federal Convention, September 17, 1787 by publishing firm J. & A. McLean in March and May 1788.  The last eight papers (Nos. 78–85) were republished in the New York newspapers between June 14 and August 16, 1788.

Federalist No. 10 is generally regarded as the most important of the 85 articles from a philosophical perspective. In it, Madison discusses the means of preventing rule by majority faction and advocates a large, commercial republic

This is complemented by Federalist No. 14, in which Madison takes the measure of the United States, declares it appropriate for an extended republic, and concludes with a memorable defense of the constitutional and political creativity of the Federal Convention.

In Federalist No. 84, Hamilton makes the case that there is no need to amend the Constitution by adding a Bill of Rights, insisting that the various provisions in the proposed Constitution protecting liberty amount to a "bill of rights". 

Federalist No. 78, also written by Hamilton, lays the groundwork for the doctrine of judicial review by federal courts of federal legislation or executive acts. 

Federalist No. 70 presents Hamilton's case for a one-man chief executive. 

In Federalist No. 39, Madison presents the clearest exposition of what has come to be called "Federalism". 

In Federalist No. 51, Madison distills arguments for checks and balances in an essay often quoted for its justification of government as "the greatest of all reflections on human nature." 

According to historian Richard B. Morris, the essays that make up The Federalist Papers are an "incomparable exposition of the Constitution, a classic in political science unsurpassed in both breadth and depth by the product of any later American writer."

Today, The Federalist Papers helps us to more clearly understand what the writers of the Constitution had in mind when they drafted that amazing document 200 years ago.

HOWEVER...  there are some legal minds that believe that our US Constitution is no longer indicative of the American People and the future of our country.  That the US Constitution should no longer reflect the intent of our Founding Fathers 200 years ago but should reflect the changing culture of today's AMERICA...

Which school of thought is CORRECT?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Saturdays and Sundays

The weekends were always special for me and no doubt many others because we had 2 days off when a 60 hour work week...  unless we were in the group of lucky ones who only had to work 40 hours each week or less...  in which case the weekends would have been rather meaningless to them.  For 3 years, I was one of them...  in fact, it was the last 3 years of my working career which was a nice way to end it all, let me tell you.

I got paid for a 40 hour work week and barely worked 20...  I was a COLLEGE PROFESSOR...  although, I did not have that designation because I did not have a PhD and had been invited to join any kind of a tenure track.  I believe they referred to me as a visiting instructor which was all the same to me because the pay was more than I needed and the hours were more than lenient.

I was required to teach 4 classes...   which was a total of 12 classroom hours...  and spend another 6 hours in my office which was no bigger than a bathroom with a medium sized desk, a bookshelf, and two chairs.  I was also required to join and attend two committees of my choice.  Even though, you had to post office hours on your office door, there was no one standing guard or checking to make sure you were there.

It was common practice to remain in and around one's office before and after teaching if you classes were in the morning at least until noon or 1:00 pm...   but, if you had classes in the afternoon, there was really no one there to check since everyone had disappeared.

There was no night work at all, even teaching classes, because they would hire adjunct faculty to teach those.  This schedule was particularly designed for those who were doing research for grants or for writing and publication which was a requirement of tenure.  All the rest of us simply benefitted.  There was no weekend work either unless there was an educational fair in the gymnasium for prospective high school students...  then you were strongly urged to work a 2 hour shift which seemed only fair since you had so much time off.

And, while the money for Visiting Instructors was not at the level my salary should have been, it was still more than adequate for the low cost of living State in which I was living.

Each class lasted 50 minutes and 1 or 2 lasted 70 minutes which at the time was a piece-of-cake since I was used to teaching training programs for industry that lasted 4 to 6 hours.

I retired at age 67 right around the time I started receiving my Social Security Checks so there was no loss of major income that prevented me from paying my bills...  plus, I taught night classes for another local University...  6 classes to be exact...  and the pay was $100 an hour...   or, another $12,000 each year to supplement my retirement.

If there is a regret to be had at all, I wish that I had spent 2 more years in college and gotten a PhD and taught at the college level for my entire career...  as it is a relatively stress free environment as long as one does not try to become a DEAN or move into the ADMINISTRATION which is where all the politics are played.

My 3 years was spent at a Christian College which had more devastating, back-stabbing politics than one might find out in the business world from which I came...  and, the fact that the college was a Christian one, made it even more traumatic in my mind and helped to further destroy my faith and belief in INSTITUTIONALIZED RELIGION...

Sunday Thoughts of a WHITE CRACKER

If you did not know, the below lists refers to WHITE ONLY AMERICANS:

  1. Cracker
  2. Hick
  3. Hillbilly
  4. Bumpkin
  5. Honky
  6. Peckerwood
  7. Redneck
  8. Trailer Trash
  9. White Trash
  10. Whitey
  11. Good ol' boy
  12. Buckra

AND...  if you are not that familiar with RAP MUSIC and its lyrics, there is a song entitled KILL WHITEY...  which I am sure does not refer to the Potomac River White Fish...  lol

I do not think much of the LGBT movement but I applaud your rights and determination to seek out legal justification for your feelings.  I would never stand in your way nor will I ever support you in your cause...  for me it is simple neutrality, unless you start infringing upon my rights either given to me by our Constitution or by my belief in God.

The same hold true for my feelings about BLACKS as I have had many black friends over my lifetime thus far but never have I had any black enemies...  of which I know.  But, let me say this about that...  I will never march or verbally support any of your causes nor would I expect you to support any of mine.  Just as you can live your life, so too will I live mine.

I have no problems sitting beside you in a restaurant or in a crowded theater or even on an airplane where there might be over 6 hours of flight time...  but, bring you into my home...  well, there must be a good justification...  perhaps you have come with one of my white friends and that is fine, however, I will not go out-of-my-way to seek your company.


All you have to do is look at all the media coverage of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA Violence and you have destroyed what little respect that I have for you in general.

I am a proud VETERAN of the VIETNAM ERA and I was willing to fight for AMERICAN FREEDOMS and DEMOCRACY...  but, I did not fight for blacks or whites or asians or hispanics or native americans...  I was willing to fight for our country AND ALL WHO LIVE IN IT...

FOR YOUR INFORMATION...  I was born and raised wrapped in a blanket of white privilege and when I graduated from high school, I rejected that part of me, and built my life based upon what I wanted it to be and not because I asked for favors from my family.
  • I flunked out of college
  • I enlisted in the military
  • I worked while I attended college the next time
  • The GI Bill paid my tuition
  • I was fired 10 times during a 45 year career
  • I worked 3 jobs at a time for $10/hour
  • I did manual labor at 50 years of age to pay my bills
  • I've lived paycheck-to-paycheck
  • I have never earned more than $50,000 a year
  • I have never owned a new car
I know that it is possible to become divorced after 23 years of marriage, leave behind family and friends and move to another STATE to begin again with virtually no money to your name and find a way to survive and build a new life...  and, if this is something that I can do, then this is something that you can do as well.

I never expected my GOVERNMENT to take care of me, nor have I ever expected my FAMILY to take care of me either and I have never asked for favors or for anyone to open doors for me so that my life may be a little easier.

I am a PERFECT EXAMPLE of WHITE TRASH surviving and if someone who is WHITE TRASH can survive then I know someone who is BLACK can survive as well and not rely on movements to make your life a little easier or better.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Where Do Most Blacks Live?

In July 2017, 41.4 million people in the United States were black alone, which represents 12.7 percent of the total population. African Americans are the second largest minority population, following the Hispanic/Latino population. In 2017, most blacks lived in the South (58 percent of the black U.S. population), while 27 percent of the white population lived in the South.   SOURCE:

The states with the largest black population in 2017 were:
  1. Texas,
  2. Georgia
  3. Florida
  4. New York
  5. North Carolina
  6. California
  7. Illinois
  8. Maryland 
  9. Virginia
  10. Louisiana
Combined, these 10 states represent 58% of the total black population.

Have you noticed that there is very little BLM/ANTIFA Movements VIOLENCE in:
  • Texas
  • Georgia
  • Florida
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia
  • Louisiana
Are these BLACKS different than those in other parts of the United States, I wonder?

Of the 10 states where a majority of the BLACK POPULATION LIVES...  only New York, California, Illinois, and Maryland is where a lot of the violence is taking place and where the blacks are DEMANDING that police departments be DEFUNDED so that no more blacks will be killed by WHITE POLICEMEN...

LOGICALLY, defunding police departments to stop white violence does not make a whole hell of a lot of sense, but what the hell...  what do I know...  I'm just a 73 year old WHITE CRACKER living in East Tennessee.

MY SILLY QUESTION IS:  when police departments are truly defunded and their resources are redistributed to black social programs...  what happens to the other blacks in urban communities when they are in need of police protection because of crime, drugs, rape, and other violence?

Friday, November 27, 2020

A Race War Is Coming


The Coming Race War in America
A Wake-up Call
By Carl T. Rowan

Chapter One: America's Violent Decline

How do you tell when a great civilization is in decline? When a great nation is on the rocks spiritually, morally, racially, and economically?

I look closely at my country, and everywhere I see signs of decadence, decay, and self-destruction.

Respect for law and order has declined drastically, except in the phony speeches of politicians.

The nation's capital is awash with special counsel and special prosecutors, taking testimony from the President, the First Lady, key members of the cabinet and the Congress--all accused or suspected of criminal wrongdoing. The FBI is far short of being trustworthy, its agents and former agents deep in partisan politics. Local police departments reek with corruption, including condoned lawlessness by some policemen. Our prisons bulge with record numbers of young Americans, mostly the fruit flies of the drug trade, while the big bumblebees of the crime and drug syndicates peddle their wares with impunity.

Every day our newscasts begin with stories of grisly murders, sexual assaults, grotesque abuses of children, mass killings on job sites, and worse.

America is sinking in greed. Our workers fear tomorrow and their bosses grab what they can today. A corporate fat cat can get a $10 million reward for "downsizing" his firm--that is, putting thousands of employees out of work.

Public morality has probably never been lower. Lawmakers writhe and wrangle over how to deal with television programming that spews out sexual rot and gratuitous violence morning, afternoon, and night--prime time sewers. Congress makes believe that a meaningless "rating system" and a V-chip will solve the problem.

Racism has not been as virulent throughout America since the Civil War, with short fuses burning on a thousand powder kegs. We have seen our greatest law enforcement agency, the FBI, sit for weeks in a stalemate with a small Montana cult, the Freemen, whose leaders preach that the descendants of northern Europeans are "God's chosen people," that Jews are "the children of Satan," and that African Americans and other people of color are by nature dumb and immoral.

We see the Freemen and other hate groups like the Aryan Nation, the skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, and assorted militias piling up arms for what they say is a coming race war in America that will precede the return of Christ.

These are the adherents of a "Christian Identity" movement whose, followers refuse to pay governmental levies, but collect taxes themselves. They rake in millions through extortion, the widespread use of bogus checks and phony credit cards, and simple extortion.

But local law enforcers and even the FBI are afraid to tangle with them, wary since their disastrous confrontations with the David Koresh cult in Waco, Texas, and the Randy Weaver group at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

Official, open coddling of these groups pretty much ensures that the race war these white supremacists predict will really come.

I know that these harsh judgments about America as it nears the turn of the century are not what most Americans want to hear. In the wake of the fall of the "Evil Empire" that was the old Soviet Union, with the still-limited development of China and the Third World, and the starkly limited hegemony of European and other "first world" nations, Americans prefer to boast that the United States is the last of the great powers. As proof we cite our nuclear arsenals and the fact that we have the only quick-strike forces capable of moving into Bosnia, Africa, and the Middle East, to wage war or peace, within hours of a White House go-ahead to strike. We like to boast of our economic might, even though we've seen a frightful decline in good, high-paying jobs. We like to think that we are the world's cultural giant because our movies and music, our top television shows, are coveted the world over, this much to the dismay of foreign leaders who think the cultural fare that we export carries the seeds of national destruction.

So much of what Americans boast about nowadays is superficial, even delusionary. Look below the surface. I have done so and concluded that this country, for which I have fought in war and peace, is in precipitous decline. The leaders of Rome, Greece, the Third Reich, the British Empire, never saw the onset of decadence and internal rot in time; we can, and we must, if the United States is not to succumb to its internal hatreds and moral excesses, to be consumed by its own self-destruction.

Who can overlook the decline of marriage as an American institution, with Hollywood and television stars, and so many social and political leaders, abusing drugs and having sex and babies out of wedlock? Our teenagers see no stigma in this lifestyle. Licentiousness and depravity have made the United States a hollow remake of Sodom and Gomorrah, with even preachers and priests, nuns and schoolteachers, unveiled as the practitioners of child abuse, as marriage killers, and as outright murderers...


There is much much more to read in this chapter and I encourage you to do so...  this was just a taste...  and an interesting taste at that even though a little bitter...  we are oblivious...  apathetic...  self-serving...  and greedy and people like that NEVER see the end coming until it is too late...  if I found this article you can too as long as you have a mind to and are open to its contents.  My concern is no longer for myself but for YOUR FUTURE as mine is about to end while yours is about to begin.  Don't turn to politicians or to military people for explanation but to yourself and all that you hold most dear...  or at least at one time you used to...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

AN Unnecessary EVIL

I have been told often that mothers-in-law are a necessary evil and perhaps the person who first coined the phrase is right but I would suspect that ALWAYS is not always the case especially among mothers-in-law when the woman you just married will grow up one day and eventually be just like them...  to what might I ask have you got to look forward?

BUT...  in this area of unnecessary evils, I can think of only one that falls perfectly into this category without exception:  POLITICIANS
  1. Have you ever met a politician who actually told the TRUTH?
  2. Have you ever met a politicians that did not care about RE-ELECTION?
  3. Have you ever met a politicians that was not swayed by LOBBYISTS?
  4. Have you ever met a politicians that was not just a little bit CORRUPT?
  5. Have you ever met a politician who did not think they were above the LAW?
  6. Have you ever met a politician who did not talk out of both sides of their MOUTHS?
We the People will continue on despite the best efforts of politicians and their hollow promises as we have always done since 1776.
  1. It was not the politicians who developed commerce
  2. It was not the politicians that improved our technologies
  3. It was not the politicians that fought in our wars
  4. It was not the politicians that spent time in foreign prison camps
  5. It was not the politicians who mined the coal or picked the crops
  6. It was not the politicians who taught our children how to pray
US Presidents coma and US Presidents go, some stay 4 years while other remain 8 and in so doing the US Presidents do WHAT EXACTLY?
  1. raise or lower taxes
  2. fight foreign wars
  3. negotiate trade deals
  4. provide more and more services
  5. entertain dignitaries
  6. attempt to increase employment
a new political party takes over, most everything the previous President is taken away since their idea are no longer believed in and a new approached is attempted so that our citizens may thrive...  but thrive on what and for how long...  4 years only...  maybe 4 more...   or, until a new President is elected and this one starts the process all over again?


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A Little More About India

India, a former British colony that has been independent for over 70 years, is currently one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. However, in 2019, the country lost its place as the world's fastest-growing economy after it grew more slowly than expected in the first half of the year. For the first time in nearly two years, India's growth rate fell behind China's. It is the world’s third-largest economy in purchasing parity terms.

Overall, in 2019, the economy of India grew at a rate of 5%.3 This growth was primarily due to strong demand for the country's goods and services, in addition to a high level of industrial activity. The country, once a supplier of British tea and cotton, now has a diversified economy with the majority of activity and growth coming from the service industry. India is expected to become a high-middle income country by 2030.

The dominion of India was reborn on January 26, 1950, as a sovereign democratic republic and a union of states. With universal adult franchise, India’s electorate was the world’s largest, but the traditional feudal roots of most of its illiterate populace were deep, just as their religious caste beliefs were to remain far more powerful than more recent exotic ideas, such as secular statehood. Elections were to be held, however, at least every five years, and the major model of government followed by India’s constitution was that of British parliamentary rule, with a lower House of the People (Lok Sabha), in which an elected prime minister and a cabinet sat, and an upper Council of States (Rajya Sabha). 

Nehru led his ruling Congress Party from New Delhi’s Lok Sabha until his death in 1964. The nominal head of India’s republic, however, was a president, who was indirectly elected. India’s first two presidents were Hindu Brahmans, Rajendra Prasad and Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the latter a distinguished Sanskrit scholar who had lectured at the University of Oxford. Presidential powers were mostly ceremonial, except for brief periods of “emergency” rule, when the nation’s security was believed to be in great danger and normal constitutional procedures and civil rights were feared to be too cumbersome or threatening.

All Things Nature


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

India's Military

The mighty Indian military is one of the top
 five powers in the world 


Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push
While the Indian Army is bearing the burden of a large personnel driven force, the Chinese are in the midst of a massive modernisation.
SNEHESH ALEX PHILIP 17 March, 2020 4:05 pm IST

New Delhi: With approximately 1.4 million personnel, the Indian Army has become the world’s largest ground force, pulling ahead of China, which cut down its strength by half and is instead focusing on its navy, air force and technology.

According to the Defence of Japan 2019 report, released late last year, China has the third largest ground force in the world following India and North Korea, with approximately 9,80,000 personnel.

The Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) was always regarded as the largest army in the world with an approximate strength of two million soldiers.

India, which has been keenly watching the PLA’s modernisation, is just in the initial stages of building a leaner and modern technology-enabled force as envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015.

However, while China has been working on a massive modernisation of its force, India’s modernisation plans for its large personnel-driven force have been stalled by a cash crunch and a constantly increasing pension

COMMENT:  What concerns me is the fact that our global economy is moving away from the USA and moving towards the Middle East and Asia.  PEW RESEARCH CENTER is forecasting that by 2050 maybe earlier 75 of the LARGEST URBAN AREAS IN THE WORLD will be in ASIA...  Urban areas draw economies...  therefore the shift is imminent.  Now, we see that the largest militaries in the world are China, India, and North Korea.  No doubt RUSSIA would support an alliance like this as well.  However, the government of India is a democracy but democracies can change with the weather and over time, just like our government will change under the leadership and Biden and Harris.  Have we as Americans become too self-centered to see what is going on in the rest of the world...  and, if we do see all of this happening...  we simply may no longer care.

The Black Lives Matter Movement

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.

We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.

We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.

We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.

We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.

The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.

As a WHITE MAN, this is what I see.
  • Blacks have been marginalized
  • Blacks have been targeted for demise
  • Blacks continue to face oppression
  • Black are striving for liberation
Marginalized means being treated as being insignificant...
Demise means a person's death...
Oppression means prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control...
Liberation means the act of setting someone free from prison or slavery...

I would have to say even though I risk being wrong that ALL POOR  PEOPLE and most laborers whether white, black, Asian, or Hispanic have been and will continue to be marginalized by the upper middle class and wealthy class here in AMERICA.  Now perhaps it is true that some are marginalized more than others, but I am white and have been marginalized all my life in the workplace.

No body wants anyone to die unless one is in a war zone and facing the enemy.  People get killed indirectly and directly but it is not always intentional and usually grows from an escalation of anger or anxiety or fear.  I would have to save that blacks are more likely to kill whites and whites are more likely to kill blacks simply because we have an unhealthy fear of each other.

If Blacks feel oppressed then why don't they ask about the white workers in the textile mills in the south or in the coal mines or in the furniture industry or in the small manufacturing industries where the white female workers are at the mercy of the white male technicians who can either help them or prevent them from reaching daily production.  I would think those whites are oppressed as well and feel that they are stuck in jobs from which they can only extract themselves with DEATH.

As far as liberation is concerned...  what do BLACKS want to be liberated from?  Blacks are not in prison even though some are and there is no longer slavery in this country.  The US has more freedoms and individual liberties than any other country in the world and there are many Blacks who have managed to become quite successful, like:
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Ice T
Oprah Winfrey
Willie Mays
Denzel Washington
Barrack Obama
Henry Louis Gates

I would ask these questions:  
Why have they been successful and you have not?
Weren't they just as marginalized and oppressed as you?

Monday, November 23, 2020

Manufacturing in India

The manufacturing sector in India is progressing largely due its location nearby the export giant, China. China remains the largest exporter of goods to India, sending textile materials, plastics and rubber precious metals to suppliers. The trade reliance on China for raw materials continues to impact the growth of India’s textile industry, but the nation is also becoming less dependent as production of raw materials starts to rise. For example, cotton production is forecasted to increase by 9.3 percent.

The Indian textile industry is only second in size to China. More than 50 percent of India’s textile exports are cotton based, but suppliers also manufacture synthetic fabrics, wool, and silk. The textile sector is one of the oldest industries in India, so Indian suppliers differentiate by implementing antiquated, quality-focused techniques in the production of goods like knitted custom clothing garments.

India’s factory wages are the lowest among Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and China. These kinds of wages can lead to 10-15 percent increase in savings for your eCommerce business, which in turn increases your profit margin.

Shipping from India is less costly compared to shipping from other countries in Asia. However, the total shipping cost includes the base rate as well as a CGST and SGST, which are both part of a Goods and Service Tax. These taxes are unique to India’s exports. The major share of revenue under CGST is meant for the central government and SGST tax revenue is meant for the state government.

Production Capabilities

On the whole, what makes India a competitive manufacturing location is the low cost of manpower and strong technical and engineering capabilities contributing to higher quality production runs.

India also poses a language advantage since English is an official language of India. It may be easier to communicate with Indian suppliers compared to suppliers in China or Vietnam, which will simplify negotiations.

COMMENT:  India's connection to China is a worrisome one in that if the two countries unite they will have an enormous amount of manpower plus they can use the strength of their two economies to play off one another.  Sometime in the near future possibly as early as 2030 almost 10 years away...  this threat will become more apparent than it is right now but by then will it be too late for us?

Just Two Days Before Thanksgiving



  1. They are your politicians, Congress men and women and Senators
  2. They are your favorite celebrities, movie stars, musicians, novelists, and singers
  3. They are your favorite professional athletes that you pay so much to see
  4. They are your business owners who can hire and fire you at will
  5. They are you investment bankers and brokers that take and invest your money
  6. They are your doctors and lawyers that mend you and keep you out of jail
  7. They are your career criminals that sell you your illegal drugs and prostitutes
  8. They are your ranchers and farmers that provide you with all your food
  9. They are your construction moguls who build that in which you live and vacation
  10. They are your owners of our manufacturing who inherited their wealth
  11. They are your new breed of technical entrepreneurs that capitalized on the internet
  12. They are the owners of enterprises that provide you with your entertainment

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY...  they are not YOU...

More often than not, it was you that made THEM who they are with all your WANTS AND NEEDS AND DESIRE to live a better life...  and, in the process of giving that to you, they became WEALTHY beyond their wildest imaginations in many cases...  so, what do you really have to complain about...  you got exactly what you wanted and then some.    

You should be grateful instead of wanting to take the wealth away from them that YOU GAVE TO THEM...  you deserve to be exactly where you are.


Antifa is an anti-fascist action and left-wing political movement in the United States comprising an array of autonomous groups and individuals that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform

A highly decentralized movement, antifa political activists are anti-racists who engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other far-right extremists.This may involve digital activismharassmentphysical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right. 

Much of antifa's activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, delivering speeches, marching in protest, and community organizing on behalf of anti-racist and anti-white nationalist causes.

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy, and socialism. The name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa movement

The Black Lives Matter Movement has brought ANTIFA to the forefront and was mainly used by the left in a attempt to OUST President Trump from office and one could say that in part it must have worked because Trump lost the election.  However, neither BLM or ANTIFA will disappear from the forefront now that Biden is President and there is a good possibility that these two groups will put PRESSURE on the new administration to make some RADICAL changes as to the standing of Blacks or People of Color in our Society and while they only represent 13% the current population, their noise is bound to get them more recognition.

The problem with causes like this is that the population of the United States is largely still WHITE and they will not lay down on the ground and easily give up all the WANTS that the Blacks are demanding...  and DEMANDING is the right word...  DEMANDS are never met with open arms and the bigger the ASK the greater will be the RESISTENCE...  not from politicians but from the GENERAL PUBLIC.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Slavery in America 2020

Modern Slavery

“Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” are used as umbrella terms to refer to both sex trafficking and compelled labor. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-386), as amended (TVPA), and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (the Palermo Protocol) describe this compelled service using a number of different terms, including involuntary servitude, slavery or practices similar to slavery, debt bondage, and forced labor.

Human trafficking can include, but does not require, movement. People may be considered trafficking victims regardless of whether they were born into a state of servitude, were exploited in their home town, were transported to the exploitative situation, previously consented to work for a trafficker, or participated in a crime as a direct result of being trafficked. At the heart of this phenomenon is the traffickers’ aim to exploit and enslave their victims and the myriad coercive and deceptive practices they use to do so.
SOURCE:  US Department of State

BUT...  if you talk with  African Americans or Blacks or People of Color, they will tell you that this is not what they are talking about when they refer to modern slavery in America...

Modern Slavery in America, according to THEM (see above) refers to the WHITE MAN controlling most of the employment opportunities and not hiring blacks unless  s/he has to because of some government mandate.

Modern Slavery in America according to THEM refers to all the black people that are incarcerated in prison...  more blacks than whites they will tell you which is a reflection of white bias in the court system and among the white policemen.

Modern Slavery in America according to THEM refers to the urban neighborhoods that black people are forced to live in because of their low wages and inability to attend college.

Modern Slavery in America according to THEM refers to all the white people who look down their noses at black people...  the way they dress...  the way they talk...  the way they think...  and, because white people are different they think that they are better..

Saturday, November 21, 2020

FIVE Myths About Slavery

The myth that slaves never rebelled

Miseducation surrounding slavery in the US has led to an elaborate mythology of half truths and missing information. One key piece of missing history concerns slave revolts: Few history books or popular media portrayals of the trans-Atlantic slave trade discuss the many slave rebellions that occurred throughout America’s early history.

C.L.R. James’s A History of Pan African Revolt describes many small rebellions such as the Stono Plantation insurgence of September 1739 in the South Carolina colony, where a small group of enslaved Africans first killed two guards. Others joined them as they moved to nearby plantations, setting them afire and killing about two dozen enslavers, especially violent overseers. Nat Turner’s August 1831 uprising in Southampton, Virginia, where some 55 to 65 enslavers were killed and their plantations burned, serves as another example.

The myth that house slaves had it better than field slaves
While physical labor in the fields was excruciating for the enslaved — clearing land, planting, and harvesting that often destroyed their bodies — that didn’t negate the physical and emotional violence enslaved women, and sometimes men and children, suffered at the hands of enslavers in their homes.

In fact, rape of black women by white enslavers was so prevalent that a 2016 study revealed 16.7 percent of African Americans’ ancestors can be traced back to Europe. One of the study’s authors concludes that the first African Americans to leave the South were those genetically related to the men who raped their mothers, grandmothers, and/or great-grandmothers. These were the enslaved African Americans within the closest proximity to and who spent the longest durations with white men: the ones who toiled in the houses of slave owners.

The myth that abolition was the end of racism
A common myth about American slavery is that when it ended, white supremacy or racism in America also ended.

Recently, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offered a familiar variant of this myth when he said he opposed reparations “for something that happened 150 years ago.” To the Kentucky Republican, a descendant of enslavers, slavery simply was, and then it just wasn’t, as though the battlefield had leveled the playing field when it came to race.

But the truth is that long after the Civil War, white Americans continue to carry the same set of white supremacist beliefs that governed their thoughts and actions during slavery and into the post-emancipation era.

In the South, especially, whites retained an enslaver’s mentality. They embraced sharecropping and convict leasing to control black labor in late 19th century, enacted Jim Crow laws to regulate black behavior in the early 20th century, and use racial terror to police the color line to this day.

The myth that history class taught us everything we needed to know about slavery
Many of us first learned about slavery in our middle or high school history classes, but some of us learned much earlier — in elementary school, through children’s books, or even Black History Month curriculum and programs. Unfortunately, we don’t always learn the entire story.

Most of us only learned partial truths about slavery in the United States. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, many in the North and South wanted to put an end to continuing tensions. But this wasn’t done just through the Compromise of 1877, when the federal government pulled the last troops out of the South; it was also done by suppressing the rights of black Americans and elevating the so-called “Lost Cause” of the enslavers.

The myth that slavery doesn’t exist today
One of the greatest myths about slavery is that it ended. In fact, it evolved into its modern form: mass incarceration.

The United States has the highest prison population in the world. More than 2.2 million Americans are incarcerated; 4.5 million are on probation or parole. African Americans make up roughly 13 percent of the general population. But black men, women, and youth have outsize representation in the criminal justice system, where they make up 34 percent of the 6.8 million people who are under its control. Their labor is used to produce goods and services for businesses that profit from prison labor.

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Erotic Masterpiece BLACK NARCISSUS

What began as a 1930s novel about troubled nuns in the Himalayas led, a few years on, to a film classic. Now as a new TV version begins, Neil Armstrong explores the story’s dark power.

“The Sisters left Darjeeling in the last week of October. They had come to settle in the General’s Palace at Mopu, which was now to be known as the Convent of St Faith.”

There is nothing in the innocent opening sentences of Rumer Godden’s 1939 novel Black Narcissus to suggest that the subsequent film version would be butchered by censors, banned, and eventually hailed as “one of the first truly erotic films” by one of the world’s great directors – Martin Scorsese.

That movie was made by an English director and a Hungarian-born writer-producer: Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, the celebrated cinema partnership revered for a series of groundbreaking and influential British films, of which Black Narcissus has become one of the best-loved. Now, there is a new adaptation, this time a joint BBC-FX production made for the small screen and starring Gemma Arterton and Aisling Franciosi.

The book, Godden’s third, and first bestseller, was praised by critics for its “rare beauty” and its “subtlety and freshness”, yet the story is not commonly described in such terms now. Rather Amanda Coe, the writer of the new three-part television version, says she thinks of it as “The Shining with nuns”.

Godden, who died aged 90 in 1998, was born in England but spent much of her childhood in India where her father managed a steamship company. She was a bestselling author who wrote more than 60 books, several of which were filmed. However her popularity has waned to the point where the most familiar Rumer to some will be the actress daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, apparently named after the writer.

Black Narcissus is Godden’s best-known work, partly because of the success and enduring popularity of the 1947 film. It tells the story of a small cadre of nuns from an Anglo-Catholic order sent to a remote mountaintop palace 8,000ft (2,400m) up in the Himalayas to establish a school and dispensary for the ‘natives’ – whether the ‘natives’ want one or not. The young, relatively inexperienced and rather self-important Sister Clodagh is placed in charge of this mission. Among the nuns is the highly-strung, difficult Sister Ruth. 


There were 55 FOUNDING FATHERS representing the 13 Colonies that declared INDEPENDENCE from GREAT BRITAIN.  Of those 55, the following owned slaves at the time the Declaration of Independence and our US Constitution was drafted.

  1. Charles Carroll - Maryland
  2. John Adams - Massachusetts
  3. Samuel Chase - Maryland
  4. Samuel Adams - Massachusetts
  5. Benjamin Franklin - Pennsylvania
  6. Oliver Ellsworth - Connecticut
  7. Button Gwinnett - Georgia
  8. Alexander Hamilton - New York
  9. John Hancock - Massachusetts
  10. Robert Treat Paine - Massachusetts
  11. Patrick Henry - Virginia
  12. Thomas Paine - Pennsylvania
  13. John Jay - New York
  14. Roger Sherman - Connecticut
  15. Thomas Jefferson - Virginia
  16. Richard Henry Lee - Virginia
  17. James Madison - Virginia
  18. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney - South Carolina
  19. Benjamin Rush - Pennsylvania
  20. Edward Rutledge - South Carolina
  21. George Washington - Virginia
Historian Richard B. Morris in 1973 identified the following seven figures as key Founding Fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington based on the critical and substantive roles they played in the formation of the country's new government....  all of which were SLAVE OWNERS...

According to a study of the biographies by Caroline Robbins:
The Signers came for the most part from an educated elite, were residents of older settlements, and belonged with a few exceptions to a moderately well-to-do class representing only a fraction of the population. Native or born overseas, they were of British stock and of the Protestant faith.

It was these SLAVE OWNERS that wrote our US CONSTITUTION and considered the slaves to be property and not citizens of the country...  at least at the time...  they reconsidered later to reverse their thoughts in 1863...  some 87 years later...  ain't we lucky that they changed their minds.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

An Agreeable Sort

I have always been an agreeable sort when it comes to politics and stuff and while I was raised a
Democrat and am registered as one, I really don't care too much about the DEMOCRATIC Party since 2016 when they TARGETED TRUMP FOR THEIR RATH along with his family, appointees, friends, and anyone who had done business with him in the past.

NEVER IN MY RECOLLECTIONS has a President been targeted for such abuse and I am not sure if one will ever be targeted like that again...

I did not vote for Trump in 2016
I did not vote for Trump in 2020

AND THE BLAME FOR THIS LIES ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE DEMOCRATS...  and, I am sure that there are those out there who will say that TRUMP brought this on himself because he is such an asshole...  and while that is true, it still does not give anyone the right to treat a SITTING US PRESIDENT like they did...

And...  therein lies my main complaint...

Oh yes...  and one thing...  Bret Kavanaugh who was nominated (and approved) for a Supreme Court Justice was treated horribly ONLY BECAUSE he was nominated by Trump and to a lesser degree for his opinions...

This kind of treatment was unnecessary especially when the SENATE held a Republican Majority and the Democrats could not have stopped it no matter what they tried to do.

CONGRESSIONAL and SENATE DEMOCRATS are DISGUSTING PEOPLE and if they think that TRUMP is DISGUSTING...  well, in my opinion, they are NO BETTER.

NOW THESE SONS OF BITCHES...  want us not to TREAT BIDEN, the way the DEMOCRATS treated TRUMP...  and my response to that is...  WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK AROUND...  and, to quote a NAVY saying, it is your time in the barrel...

BTW...  I'll never vote DEMOCRAT again as long as I am alive...  and, as far as I am concerned and my liberalism will never embrace SOCIALISM...


I don't give a damn about firearms or owning a gun

I don't give a damn about abortions late term or otherwise

I will never trust Blacks as long as there is rap music

I will never attend a Black Church

I don't give a damn about interracial marriages

I don't give a damn about the LGBTIQ movement or whatever name

I don't give a damn about WHITE SUPREMACISTS

I don't give a damn about ANTIFA or BLM

I don't give a damn about Climate Control or Global Warming

I don't give a damn about Wall Street or The Stock Market

I don't give a damn about Economic Growth or Full Employment

I don't give a damn about Medicare for All

I don't want illegal immigrants in my country

I think free education is IMPRACTICAL because we simply do not have enough jobs for college graduates






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