Friday, February 26, 2021


The United States of America has been based upon the FOUNDATION of immigration.  From the very beginnings and before our Declaration of Independence, immigration from Europe came to THE AMERICAS (North America in particular) for a new life.

The British used colonial North America as a penal colony through a system of indentured servitude. Merchants would transport the convicts and auction them off to plantation owners upon arrival in the colonies. It is estimated that some 50,000 British convicts were sent to colonial America and the majority landed in the Chesapeake Colonies of Maryland and Virginia. Transported convicts represented perhaps one-quarter of all British emigrants during the 18th century. The colony of Georgia, for example, was first founded by James Edward Oglethorpe who originally intended to use prisoners taken largely from debtors' prison, creating a "Debtor's Colony," where the prisoners could learn trades and work off their debts. Even though this largely failed, the idea that the state began as a penal colony has persisted, both in popular history and local lore. 
SOURCE:  Wikipedia

It is for this reason that the Northern States have always LOOKED DOWN upon the Southern States...  and, it is unlikely that this animosity will go away anytime soon.  However, the fact remains that immigration is what BUILT AMERICA...

immigration is either LEGAL or ILLEGAL...

most Americans are against illegal immigration but not legal immigration.  By letting unregulated immigrants enter this country, we are setting ourselves up for problems down the road typically referred to as UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.

These consequences could include:
  • reduction in jobs
  • increase health risks
  • increased crime
  • crime infiltration

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